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Selling Your Home in a Pandemic

Writer's picture: Zachary BettersZachary Betters

Here we go again. 2020, the year we didn’t see coming, and the Covid-19 pandemic seem to persist endlessly, wreaking havoc on lives and our ability to plan. Now, 2021 is not quite as Covid-free as we had hoped for, but many still find themselves in a situation where they want to sell their home but are left wondering, is it safe?

As we continue to struggle with the pandemic, home sellers find themselves in a difficult spot. Is now the peak of the market? Is now the time to sell? Should I buy a new house?

With these questions running through their heads, many are uncertain about the process of selling their home and showings. While selling during a hot market means a lot of interest in your house, listing your home often means droves of would-be buyers, nosy neighbors, and looky-loos stampeding through your house, confined in tight spaces to contemplate how their furniture will fit in your home. While listing your house has always had its drawbacks, I find many sellers are much more worried today than ever before. Listing is still a great option for many, but home sellers should know they have options; there are several ways to sell a home.

Good investors have found ways to give sellers fair, competitive offers and several unique benefits in today's competitive environment. Flexibility is one of the many benefits of selling your home to an investor. As a real estate investor myself, I can recall countless times I provided unique solutions to sellers.

Today more than ever, sellers are considering who is coming into their home and how many people they can expect. Driving down 485, it’s easy to see agents bragging about selling a home in 24 hours after 58 showings. 58 showings! In the day and age of social distancing and health safety awareness, I see this as atrocious!

You see, the reality is, several factors control housing prices, and home appraisers have an important job of controlling escalating prices. So, walking 58 people through your home doesn’t necessarily increase what you get for your it. A house appraiser and bank ultimately say your house is only worth so much.

In many cases, you are in a better and safer position to have one trusted client walk through a house that you know is interested and able to buy your home, rather than 58 people that are just looking to see if it "feels right." As an investor, we are serious buyers that are experts in the market and housing prices. We know what a house is worth, what we can pay, and decide quickly without 58 walk-throughs. We look to create win-win situations to keep our clients safe while providing fair offers and creatively working to make their home sale and transition smooth.

We at Better Path Homes are committed to the wellbeing and safety of our team and clients. We will stop at nothing to ensure you feel comfortable, respected, and protected during the process. We offer several solutions for clients, from virtual appointments to mobile closings. When we come to your house, while we have always worked to ensure your best interest, we now look to ensure your health and safety too. From masks to sanitizers, we work to ensure nothing enters your home you don’t want.

Our selling safely program starts from the first contact. Our home buying specialist will discuss your situation over the phone first to advise you on your best options to move forward. Selling to an investor is an excellent solution for some, but not all. We are happy to talk to anyone in our great community to discuss selling. If it turns out we are not a fit, we will let you know before even knocking on your door. For those we can help, we move to the next step of showing the home. As interested buyers in your home, we can walk through one time and gain all the information we need to make our decision. In those two easy steps, you get the offer you want and the comfort of knowing you are taking care—no additional stress and worries of multiple showings, walkthroughs, appraisals, and inspections.

For many, this is indeed a great time to sell. With our selling safely program, you can be sure to not only sell your home for a fair price but also sell it safely.

Our team is here to talk further about any questions or concerns you may have.

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